Legend for E. coli typing (swine):

Genes encoding the following gene products:

AdhesinesVirulence factors and toxins
F4 (F4 fimbriae) Intimine (required for the penetration into epithelial cells)
F5 (F5 fimbriae)LTI (heat labile enterotoxin)
F6 (F6 fimbriae)STI (heat stable enterotoxin)
F18 (F18 fimbriae) STII (heat stable enterotoxin)
F41 (F41 fimbriae) EAST-I (heat stable enterotoxin)
fimH (Type 1 fimbriae) stx2e (Shiga toxin variant 2e)
fimA (Type 1 fimbriae) cdtB (cytolethal distending toxin)
papC (P fimbriae) cnf1 (zytotoxic nekrotising factor type 1)
aidA (AIDA-I autotransporter adhesine)iucD (required for the synthesis of iron complexing agents)
paa (porcine adherence factor) escV (type III sekretions system)
pic (serin protease autotransporter)

Pathogenic isolates generally carry a combination of fimbriae / adhesins and toxins. Several toxins and adhesins can be present at the same time and in different combinations.